This is an archived edition of our Field Report email newsletter. You can sign up at the bottom of the page!

Greetings from Fat Gold!

In our previous Field Report email, we told you the olive harvest had just commenced. Now, it’s cruising to completion.

We’ve had breakdowns and fixes, early mornings and late nights. We’ve felt the season change! When we started, the afternoon high was 90 degrees. Now, the mornings dip below 40, and the drive to the mill is shrouded in tule fog.

Just a few days ago, the first winter rain came howling through the San Joaquin Valley, and it left behind this absolutely cartoon-looking rainbow:

The Fat Gold at the end of the rainbow.

Another week of production remains. After that, we’ll have made all the oil we’ll send you in the year ahead. Whew!

We’re thrilled to release our brand-new offering: the Super Fresh Gift Set, featuring the California extra virgin olive oil that we’ve JUST milled over the past few weeks.

This is the freshest Fat Gold you can possibly get, and it’s available now! You’ll find it here:

The Super Fresh Gift Set is a tidy, complete package:

The Super Fresh Gift Set in its tidy little box: two tins of olive oil and a pocket-sized zine.

It includes:

Looking at the calendar, we must remark: this would make a terrific addition to any Thanksgiving table. Instead of a bottle of wine, bring Fat Gold, and announce: You have NEVER had olive oil this fresh before! Then, glug it on everything. Glug it on the turkey. Glug it on the cranberry sauce!

Here are all the details.

That’s it! We’ll now put the laptop aside and return to milling. We are doing it all at once over here:

A lightbox set up in the mill, its glow reflected by the stainless steel machinery.

The Super Fresh Gift Set is available now. Send one to someone you love. Send one to yourself for holiday gift-giving. Send one to yourself… for keeping 😋

Back to work!

–Robin, Kathryn, and Bryan