This is an archived edition of our Field Report email newsletter. You can sign up at the bottom of the page!

Greetings from Fat Gold:

One of our California extra virgin olive oils just won a Good Food Award!

This award is particularly meaningful to us, because the criteria for entering the competition are strict. Quality and flavor, while necessary, aren’t sufficient; producers are also required to meet a host of production standards, ranging from efficient water consumption to fair labor practices.

The Good Food Award is, in a sense, a vision of what food production ought to be like in this country. We’re proud to meet this standard.

The competition is wide-ranging; you could stock your whole kitchen just by sampling their selections, in cheese, chocolate, charcuterie, fish, grains, honey… the list goes on. They have a category for elixirs!

Of course, it’s also meaningful—and, we hope, no accident—that we won the award this year, our first using our new mill.

Fat Gold has won this award once before, following the 2021 harvest. Kathryn gave a speech at that year’s ceremony, and it still perfectly captures what we’re about. Give it a watch, or read the transcript, if you missed it back in 2022.

No speech this year, just a happy trip to Portland to accept the award and represent the company.

Kathryn at the Fat Gold booth, smiling behind a bountiful stack of tins.

Our winning oil, Fat Gold Blue, is currently available as part of our Combo Pack, which is a tin of Fat Gold Standard (bold and peppery) and a tin of Blue (fruity and floral).

You can find that, as always, in the online shop:

We’d like to extend our thanks to the Good Food Foundation; to the judges; and to all the other entrants, finalists, and winners, across categories. They represent the best of craft food production—a delicious taste of what’s possible. It’s inspiring company.

From Oakland,

–Robin, Kathryn, and Bryan